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Liver Pain after Gallbladder Surgery

Understanding liver pain after gallbladder surgery: causes, symptoms, and management. Seek expert medical advice for optimal recovery.

  • Hepatologyy

By Aliya Anchan

28th Dec '22

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The liver is a very essential part of the body and is located beneath the rib cage. It is responsible for performing functions like breakdown, balancing nutrients, and producing bile, which helps digest fats in the body.

Gallbladder removal surgery or cholecystectomy can lead to living pain. It is seen that the pain mostly ranges from mild to severe and can also occur months after the treatment.

Biliary colic is the most common type of liver pain. It could be caused by damage or obstruction in the bile duct. This obstruction could be caused by infection, inflammation, bile duct obstruction or abnormality of Oddi motility can be a cause of this damage.

Do you know? 

Cholecystectomy is one of the most commonly performed surgeries. It causes approximately 500,000 to 700,000 procedures globally. 90% of patients who undergo gallbladder surgery experience 75% colic pain after the surgery.


Liver pain after gallbladder removal is a rare but possible complication. Yet, if the pain persists or increases, you must seek medical attention immediately.

Let's shed some light on the reason behind the cause.

Why do you feel liver pain after gallbladder surgery?

Why does my liver hurt after gallbladder surgery?

Experiencing pain in the abdomen is common after gallbladder surgery, primarily in the area where the procedure was performed. This discomfort can be felt either in the middle or on the right side of the abdomen, beneath the rib cage.

While liver pain following gallbladder surgery is typically mild, there are rare cases where the liver or bile ducts may sustain damage during the procedure, necessitating a liver transplant for proper restoration of liver function and relief from pain.

Various factors contribute to liver pain after gallbladder surgery, including inflammation and the formation of scar tissue. The proximity of the liver and gallbladder in the abdomen can lead to mutual inflammation, causing liver pain.

Overall, it all depends on the area and the type of surgery.

Photo photo of asian man with stomachache

Here we have listed a few possible reasons that contribute to causing liver pain after gallbladder surgery.

  1. Inflammation: After gallbladder surgery, it is possible for the liver to inflame. As the liver and gallbladder are located near the abdomen, which causes inflammation in one another causing liver pain.
  2. Scar tissue: In the case of gallbladder surgery, it is possible that scar tissue may be formed, which causes pain in the liver or nearby organs. 
  3. Surgical Issues: It is very rare but possible that gall bladder surgery can cause damage to the liver, abdomen, or bile duct. Which can lead to liver pain and even back pain

Gallbladder removal can also be a reason for the pain or discomfort in digestion that can occur after the surgery.

According to Brian Clark, a Founder of United Medical Education, he stated that 

Gallbladder removal surgery and liver pain are possible. Even months after the treatment, this discomfort might range from minor to severe. Biliary colic, brought on by a bile duct obstruction, is the most typical form of liver pain following gallbladder surgery.


Additionally, gallstones that have been left in the bile ducts or bile spilling into parts like the stomach can both result in pain. Although they are typically minor and transient, symptoms can last several months.

What happens if you have liver pain?

Just relax.

The answer is right here!

What should you do if you feel liver pain after gallbladder surgery?

What should you do if you feel liver pain after gallbladder surgery?

If you are experiencing liver pain after gallbladder removal, you should definitely consult your doctor in the best hepatology hospital for a better diagnosis of the underlying cause. By the time you consult the doctor, here we have listed a few things that can help you to ease the pain. 

  • Medications: You can take some low-dosage medications like anti-inflammatory drugs to manage your pain. 
  • Apply Heat: You can use a heating pad where the pain is severe, which may help in managing pain. 
  • Eating healthy: A good diet also helps in the healing process and helps in reducing pain.
  • Avoid heavy activities: If you feel liver pain, it is important to avoid heavy activities. 
  • Rest: After the gallbladder surgery it is advisable to get a good amount of rest for fast healing of the surgery. 

Still, if the pain is there and not at all improving, you must go to your doctor and visit the hospital. As they would prescribe a better treatment for the underlying cause.

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You must be thinking, what if the liver pain heals on its own? 

Am I right? 

Let's scroll to learn more!

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Can liver pain after gallbladder surgery heal on its own? Or is it permanent?

Generally, liver pain after gallbladder surgery is not permanent. It is quite normal to experience pain or discomfort after gallbladder surgery.

Mostly it is seen that the liver pain after gallbladder surgery heals on its own as time passes. Some people may experience pain or discomfort a few weeks after the surgery, while others may have no further complications.

 It is possible to treat liver pain after gallbladder surgery. Usually, recovery depends on the cause, length, and severity of the condition.

The time it takes to heal may vary depending on the individual. 

After gallbladder surgery, if the pain is severe and no improvement is seen, you must speak to your doctor for proper treatment to cure the liver pain.

Want to know about the treatment?

Scroll down to find the best treatment to relieve liver pain after gallbladder surgery.

What is the best way to treat liver pain after gallbladder surgery?

The treatment for liver pain after gallbladder surgery depends on the cause behind it. Some possible treatments recommended by the doctors include.

  •  Anti-Pain Medications: Anti-inflammatory drugs are given to ease the pain.
  •  Antibiotics: These medications are prescribed to control the infections which cause pain.
  • Surgery: In some cases, additional surgery may be needed to cure the pain caused after gallbladder surgery. 
  • Physical Therapy: This therapy is recommended to reduce the formation of scar tissue and improve the affected area.

Take the first step to recovery. Get in touch with us for your treatment.

We're sure you're wondering what would happen if you weren't treated. 

Is it?

Scroll down to learn more!

effects of liver pain after gallbladder surgery is not treated

What are the effects of liver pain after gallbladder surgery is not treated?

After gallbladder surgery, if the liver pain is not treated properly, it can turn into a more severe condition. Such as infection which may cause more severe damage to other parts of the body. discomfort in daily activities etc.

Here are some of the complications you can face:

  • Delayed healing: If not treated on an early basis it can cause a delay in the healing process.
  • Poor sleep: The liver pain can cause disruption in sleep and feel low energy.
  • Decreased appetite: Severe pain can lead to a decrease in appetite.

Decreased mobility: Pain may reduce mobility and make it difficult to walk or carry out regular tasks.

What measures need to be taken after the proper treatment? 

A good diet plan is one of them!

Foods to avoid after gallbladder surgery to avoid liver pain

What are the foods to avoid after gallbladder surgery to prevent liver pain?

It is common to experience discomfort in the area where the surgery is done. It is important to follow the dietary charts provided by the doctor for faster healing and reduction in pain.

For your convenience, we have provided a list of specific foods to avoid after gallbladder surgery:


  • High-fat foods: It is generally advisable to avoid high-fat foods after the surgery as they cause digestive issues and slow the healing process.
  • Spicy Foods: These kinds of foods may lead to irritation in the digestive system.
  • Carbonated drinks: this can cause gas, bloating, and can cause discomfort after the surgery.
  •  High-fiber food: These types of food can be difficult to digest, it is best to avoid them. Eg - raw vegetables, seeds, and nuts.
  • Alcohol: It is very important to avoid alcohol after the surgery as it may cause irritation in the liver with a delay in the healing process.

To reduce the risk of liver pain and other digestive issues after gallbladder surgery, it is best to have a balanced diet.

Here we have listed some particular food suggestions as follows:

  •  Eating rich protein such as fish, eggs, chicken, tofu, etc.
  •  Avoiding sugar snacks and drinks.
  •  Adding more veggies, fruits, and cereals to the diet.
  •  Intake of plenty of fluids to stay hydrated for a long time.
  •  Eating foods in smaller parts rather than irregular ones.

Note: To avoid further complications you must consult with your doctor to determine your personalized dietary needs based on your medical history.

Are you interested in knowing how much time it takes to heal? Read along to learn more! 

Vector illustration of cartoon liver organ good for education, banner, healthy icon.

How long does it take to heal liver pain after gallbladder surgery?

 The duration of time needed to recover from gallbladder surgery and any associated liver pain varies based on many factors, such as:

  1. The type of surgery performed.
  2.  The patient's health
  3.  The state of complications

It is normal to experience some kind of pain and discomfort a few days after gallbladder surgery, which is usually treated with medications by doctors. 

Most people who have surgery return to normalcy within a week or two of the procedure.

It is important to remember that everyone's recovery will be very different from one another. Some people may feel pain and suffer more intensely or for a longer period of time than others, and some may not.

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We are sure you must be thinking! Is it possible to experience liver pain again after treatment?

Wait, let's scroll more to get the answer.

Are there any chances of getting liver pain again after treatment?

Free vector anxiety concept illustration 

Yes, after treatment, it is also possible to have liver pain once more. The possibility of a recurrence will depend on the causes of the pain and the effectiveness of the treatment.

It has been observed that the cause of liver pain in some cases is chronic and requires more continuous treatment to prevent relapse.

If the liver pain that occurred again is not treated, it may cause irritation or severe damage to the liver and cause liver pain again.


Note: It's important to note that if severe pain occurs, it's essential to get medical help.

If you need more information regarding the same!
Call today and get free Consultation!


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Question and Answers

Sar main ek kidney transplant patient hun mere liver mein ggt bada hua hai और लिवर फैटी भी है फर्स्ट स्टेज

Male | 38

You have a transplante­d kidney, and your liver has higher GGT. This is an e­nzyme that indicates liver issue­s. Additionally, you have early-stage fatty live­r, where exce­ss fat accumulates in liver cells. Fatigue­, abdominal discomfort, and jaundice are possible symptoms. Maintaining a nutritious die­t and regular exercise­ can be beneficial. Howe­ver, consulting your healthcare te­am is crucial

Answered on 10th May '24

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Answered on 12th Apr '24

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

In my liver test SGPT is 42 and GAMMA GT is 57 more than normal range

Female | 35

Since your SGPT and Gamma GT levels showed higher values, your liver test result is fine, but slightly elevated. It may be a sign of the disease process that is manifesting itself in the form of liver damage or inflammation. Consult with a hepatologist is important. They can propose the right therapeutic methods which suits your situation best.

Answered on 13th Mar '24

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

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